Aerospace & Defense

Financial Incentives
Arizona's robust incentives for aerospace and defense companies include access to more than $200 million through refundable tax credits, reimbursable grants and property tax reductions making it the clear choice for innovative businesses to start, expand, relocate, and thrive.
- R&D Tax Credit – Up to a 34% refundable income tax credit for investments in research and development.
- Qualified Facility Tax Credit – Up to a 10% refundable tax credit for investments in manufacturing facilities.
- Quality Jobs Tax Credit – Tax credits up to $3,000 per year for three years for each new job created.
- Job Training Reimbursable Grants – Up to 75% expense reimbursement for employers implementing job-specific training for new jobs.
- Foreign Trade Zone – Up to an over 70% reduction in real and personal property taxes for companies operating in a federally qualified zone.
- Military Reuse Zone - Up to an over 70% reduction in real and personal property taxes and up to $10,000 in state income tax credits for each new employee for companies in qualified zones.
In addition to attractive, cost-saving incentives, the state offers:
- Reduced company tax burdens
- Among the lowest corporate income tax rates in the country
- Continued trend of reducing property taxes
- Unique and aggressive depreciation schedules
View the full list of Arizona's programs to accelerate business success.